
Saturday, December 29, 2007

================== Prologue ===================

A Question which has always troubled humankind -- "what is god , who is god?? etc etc".

Who is god, who is not? Innumerable have been murdered over this questions?.

Uncountable religions prophets seers ideas preaching orisons. More the people -- more the religions - more the gods more complexity more chaos more collision of ideas and ultimately more violence.


Do you think that someone who is omnipotent and can do any/every thing - is god? And worshipping him, going to temple church mosque etc will give every thing you want?.

If yes then dear friends I think you need to think over this again.

God is never going to change his plans. He will do what he wants to do and his actions will not be altered in any case because of your orisons. Believe me destiny has its own ways.

I meet a lot of people across - they tell me they got whatever they wanted - and it all happened because of their prayers and continuous worships to deities. To those people I ask only one question – “does your god want so much of human pain in return to give what you want? Can’t he see what you want and what you really want? ”

“I think you got things or are getting things done not because you worshipped god it actually happened because you wanted them to happen that way”. And if you do not agree with me then you must not be agreeing with a famous line which says “if you think you can then you can if you think you can’t then you really can’t”. But how can we do what we want to do just by thinking and for this god comes in picture over here.

Now this is a big question - how does god come in picture over here while few lines above I rejected the acceptance of god. For this firstly we need to think over a question which has always troubled humankind -- "what is god , who is god? ".

Before making a single comment further over god I would like to say

You yourself have to decide what you want from god and then figure it out yourself (create an idea of your god).

Many a times for many people something which makes them happy is god for them and it doesn’t matter what it is. Drinking makes them happy it is their god smoking or any such activity which makes them happy then it is their ………..

If you think god can do anything then believe me there is no god in this universe at least. God is too bound within certain parameters which binds this universe he is not above it. He cannot make a man extraordinary to do supernatural things. Still people do things which are hard to accept like people surviving in inhuman conditions, getting success after making prayers to god and many such things which are tough to swallow.

The Final Verdict

In my quest of god one thing I realized that we all are man, mortal man- born to die - still we live - still we feel - still we love-without asking why . We survive and our survival goes on. I believe “there is nothing like god as such, who can do anything, human himself is gifted and divine”.


Plz suggest t if something is missing. ( I know lot of things are missing)




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